There is a revolution underway in medical science, changing the fundamental view of how our bodies work.
We are not just made of biochemical matter. We are charged energy beings, constantly interacting with and reacting to our environment.
Light plays a crucial role in this natural process.
Comprehensive new research has unearthed a whole new understanding of how our cells function optimally.
Food is not the only way we obtain energy; we are also charged by our light
In fact, science now shows your body operates like a battery. It is powered by certain wavelengths of sunlight, and your general health is determined by our ability to receive and maintain a charge.
This is the energy principle behind our red light therapy.
What is Red Light Therapy?
Light at certain wavelengths is scientifically proven to interact with the body in beneficial ways.
Red light, comprising both red and near-infrared wavelengths, is a unique healing part of the electromagnetic spectrum and it is one of the most natural ways to charge the body. It is now used as a new form of therapy under the umbrella term Photobiomodulation (PBM).
PBM describes approaches based on interactions of light, and after more than 50 years of extensive research on PBM, it has been proven as a non-invasive, non-toxic, and non-traumatic therapy. There are no known side effects.
Red Light
Wavelengths ranging from 600-650nm. Red light boosts the formation of collagen and elastin and assists cell communication. It penetrates superficially (up to 5mm) and is mainly used for skin conditions.
Near-Infrared (NIR) Light
Wavelengths ranging from 750–850nm. NIR stimulates healing, increases mitochondrial function, and improves blood flow and tissue oxygenation. It penetrates deeper into the body (up to 10cm).
How to Recharge the Body
Electric charge is a fundamental property of the body. The surfaces in our bodies – such as membranes, proteins, and DNA – are all charged, negatively or positively, depending on whether they lose or gain electrons.
By improving the flow of charged electrons, we can re-energize the body.
At the core of your body’s power to heal itself are sub-cellular organelles called mitochondria.
The number of mitochondria in a cell varies widely by organism, tissue, and cell type, and is concentrated in organs with high energy demands such as the brain, heart, liver, skin, ovaries, and muscles.
This is because mitochondria generate most of the chemical energy supply in the body via the molecule ATP (adenosine triphosphate).
They also regulate a wide variety of other tasks, such as signaling, cellular differentiation, and maintaining control of the cell cycle and cell growth. This is why they are often referred to as the ‘powerhouse’ of the cell.
Crucially, within the mitochondrial membrane are chemicals that act as ‘light receptors’.
Red light energy is taken up by these receptors, increasing the electron transfer across the mitochondrial membrane via a cascade of reactions, resulting in an increased charge, which leads to more available energy all through the body.
Water: Your Body’s Battery
Approximately 55-70% of your body weight and 99% of your body’s molecules are made of water, and this water is in a charged state
Recent research by Prof Gerald Pollock of the University of Washington has shown that water adjacent to a cell or mitochondrial membrane is so-called structured water.
This is also called EZ (Exclusion Zone) water because it creates a separation of charge. Positive protons are excluded and pushed to the bulk water, and a lattice-like negatively charged water forms near the membrane.
This increases the voltage across the membrane. This charge separation of water in the body functions as the positive and negative poles of a battery.
Red light has been repeatedly shown to increase this EZ zone in water, making cell water in and around the mitochondria able to store and maintain charge – like a liquid crystal.
Infrared light has also been found to increase the electrical capacitance of the membrane, which greatly affects the body’s energy conservation.
Where There’s Life, There’s Charge
Electric charge is the force behind our physical energy as humans.
Experiments have clearly shown that red light therapy stimulates mitochondrial energy generation in the cells, enhances the voltage across the membrane, and increases the body’s capacity for energy storage.
Light enhances the charge of your body and activates its natural healing power. Recharge with red light therapy.
Multi-Level Treatment
Red light therapy works on multiple levels in the body.
Chromophores, cytochrome c oxidase, water, opsins
Retrograde mitochondrial signaling
Light-sensitive ion channels
Adenosine triphosphate ATP
Reactive Oxygen Species ROS
Heat-shock proteins
Brain-derived neurotrophic factor
Gene transcription factors
Akt/mTOR/CyclinD1 pathway
Inflammation, Cytoprotection, Proliferation
Protein synthesis
Stem Cell production and migration
Immune cell viability
Retrograde mitochondrial signaling
Transforming growth factor
Pro- and anti-inflammatory cytokines
Vascular endothelial
Mitochondrial membrane potential
Muscles: Increases endurance, tone, density
Brain: Improves cognition and immune response, lowers dementia risk
Nerves: Repair and pain relief
Healing: Bones, tendons, and wounds
Hair: Increases growth
Skin: Improvement of the collagen network, anti-aging, skin disorders
Fat: Fat re-absorption improved by enhanced micro-circulation
Lymph: Improved immunity
Fascia: Communication, improved tensegrity
Systemic Effects
Red light therapy affects multiple bodily systems:
Fascia | The interconnected collagen matrix in and around organs and tissues. |
Gut-Brain Axis | The bidirectional communication between the central and the enteric nervous system. |
Immune System | The defense against infections, including the thymus and lymphatics. |
Circulatory System | The blood transport system for nutrients and waste removal. |
Nervous System | A complex network that carries messages to and from the brain and spinal cord to various parts of the body. |
Stem Cells | Produced mainly in the bone marrow and adipose tissue, circulating throughout the body where needed. |
Applications of Red Light Therapy
Relieve Pain | Target the root cause of pain instead of suppressing the symptom, including muscle and joint pain, arthritis, menstrual cramps, and dental issues. |
Revive Immunity | Release nitric oxide and melatonin for powerful antimicrobial effect, and help prevent infection by viruses and bacteria. |
Repair Skin | Enhance skin elasticity and production of collagen for an anti-aging effect, and speed up healing of wounds and scars. |
Reduce Inflammation | Stimulate the body’s natural anti-inflammatory molecules and help your body heal more effectively. |
Regain Performance | Reduce delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS) and give your body increased energy and endurance before and after exercise. |